– 일시: 11월 15일(수) 오후 8시
– 발제: 필립 마플릿
50년 넘게 팔레스타인 연대 운동을 했습니다. 영국 사회주의노동자당(SWP) 당원이고, 이스트런던대학교 사회과학부 명예교수입니다.
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▷ 노동자연대TV에 오시면 뜨거운 현안부터 마르크스주의 이론까지 570여 개의 콘텐츠를 보실 수 있습니다.
15 Nov (Wed) 8 PM (UTC+09)
Speaker: Philip Marfleet
Active in Palestine solidarity movement for more than 50 years. A member of Socialist Workers Party (UK). Emeritus Professor in the school of Social Sciences at the University of East London.
※ The speaker will speak in English, and sequential translation will be provided.
▶️ Live on Youtube
As Israel’s barbaric attack on Gaza continues and the solidarity with Palestine spreads across the world, there’s renewed attention to what would be the solution for the Palestinians.
Can Palestinians end their sufferings? How can they liberate themselves? What is the role of the worldwide solidarity and the resistances in the Middle East within this struggle?
We invite all those who hope free Palestine to our online meeting to debate on the burning question.
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