노동자 연대

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노동자연대 단체
윤석열 탄핵 운동 팔레스타인 트럼프 2기 이주민·난민 우크라이나 전쟁

온누리에 부는 인공지능(AI) 열풍:
인류에게 희망일까 재앙일까?
최무영 서울대 물리천문학부 교수가 들려주는 인공지능(AI)의 현황과 전망

AI Fever Sweeping the World: Hope or Catastrophe for Humanity? — A look into the current state and future of AI, as told by Prof. Choi MooYoung (Dept. of Physics & Astronomy, SNU)

19 February(Wed) 7:30pm | Speaker: Prof. Choi MooYoung has taught physics at Seoul National University for many years, and has been an outspoken progressive scientist on social issues, including Fukushima nuclear wastewater release. Recently, Aladdin bookstore selected his book “Prof. Choi Moo-young’s Physics Lectures” as one of the “Greatest Books of the 21st Century.”